Reconnect with Teen_blog (1)

Helping Kids Adjust to an Evolving, New Normal and Returning to School

Over the past year, COVID has taken a toll on mental health. School is an integral part of child and teen’s development and mental health, and up until recently, half of U.S. students had been attending school virtually. As a result, many kids have experienced isolation, delayed development, lower self-esteem and self-confidence, and new levels […]

Kindness Matters

How to Create Life Changing Moments by Bullying and Being Kind

Our lives are full of life-changing moments. Many of the choices that we make have domino effects that impact ourselves and others. Some of the outcomes of our actions are obvious, but many will go undetected, especially those that affect other people. Bullying and kindness are two behaviors that often become life-changing moments. The Life-Changing […]